Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to deal with an ex-wife that wants to know everything about what goes on in our house with my

My husband ex wife is always asking their kids so what is your dad up how is he doing. She sends him birthday wishes, fathers day wishes and so on. She questions the kids that are teenagers about what is going on in our. She use to call him everyday until I put a stop to that, she would call before the kids would get home to see what he was up and how the kids are doing since they live with us.helpHow to deal with an ex-wife that wants to know everything about what goes on in our house with my
It's a difficult thing to deal with since you really can't stop her from asking. Just tell the kids that what happens in the house, stays in the house unless it concerns her. My Dad use to do the exact same thing. Would always ask me what my mom was doing. I usually just told him that my mom was doing great. That we were all doing great. If he asked for details about my mom, I simply told him that it was no longer a concern of his.

Good Luck! For me, it only stopped because I no longer speak to my dad. Hopefully though the kids mother will understand and stop on her own.How to deal with an ex-wife that wants to know everything about what goes on in our house with my
be passive aggressive do things that irritate her but small ones do what she says but put a twist to it so that it irritates her like me best friend her step dad was so lazy so when he told hr to pick up the house she did but everything of his she found she hide that scenario dosent apply to you but things like that soon she will back off trust me they always do
Sounds like the girl doesn't have a life of her own. Either that or she is a very good person with good intentions. There is a saying that no good things happen out of good intentions. Find out if her intentions are good. If they are, then just tolerate it. If they are bad, then you need to tell her to chill out. ( Or tell your husband that you are getting tired of her crap) Get in good with the kids (be tactful).

Don't assume that her intentions are bad off of the get go. Make sure that there are facts before you do anything.
This not about you. This is all about her. I don't understand why you're so insecure. You have a husband who loves you and is totally committed to your marriage. He has told you on multiple occasions that his ex means nothing to him.

If anything, feel bad for the kids. Your hubby's ex is their mother and she is using and manipulating them. No matter how much you hate her sending him father's day and birthday wishes and constantly asking what's going on, just go with it. It'll make their lives easier. Think of it this way, it must eat her up knowing you and he are so happy.
Is it possible that your husband and his ex-wife were friends before they got married and divorced? If so it may just be a harmless friendship. However, if it bothers you tell your husband to put a stop to it. He should side with you on this one. Also keep in mind that they share children together and will FOREVER have a connection through those children. You have to understand that this woman will be in your life as long as you are married to her ex-husband and living with her children.
IGNORE her. Why are you giving this kind of power over you? If your newly wed then I can understand your insecurities. But even still you are empowering her with a lot of power over you.

Let her ask her questions. If there is no wrong doings going on in your home so what if she asks questions.

Make your home and life good for you not good for her.
They Are Her Kids To.She Could Be Worried?
kinda got same **** at my house. i understand that they have to talk about the kids cuz i got an ex too but why does she have to tell him about her problems with her new man or whatever the crisis may be in her world. so when you get it figured out let me know.
The only thing she needs to be concerned about is the kids. What else goes on in your house is none of her buisness. Your husband does not owe it to her to report anything he does on his own personal time. You and him need to talk about this and set some rules. One rule being talk to the kids and explain to them that they are not to reveal certain personal things about their father to anyone, mom included. They need to know it's ok to tell mom if she wants to know, she needs to ask dad herself. Then dad needs to set her straight on this.
tell your husband not to keep in touch with her, anything that she wants to know is no concern of hers so just tell her that its none of her business, it wont help any if your husband is participating in giving her information, what your husband needs to do is break all ties with her, are there children involved, is that her concern if so then she has a right to know what is going on with her children, if that is not the case than its none of her damn business what goes on in your household make that very clear and to the point
That sucks. Have you told your husband how this makes you feel? He should help you out here and put a stop to this so you can have a peaceful life with him. It is common courtesy to let you guys be a family and get on with her own life. She obviously isnt happy with her own life or doesnt have a life of her own. But still, she needs to get one. Theres only so much of that crap you can take. Your husband certainly wouldnt like it if the table was turned. Insist that he talks to his ex and puts a stop to it.
Most separation agreements when kids are involved have a set of clauses regarding these type of things and the children.

No disparaging remarks about the other parent

No drilling the kids about what goes on in the other home.

Phone calls

etc, etc

Get a copy of their divorce. If its in there and she's violating it, it's contempt of court.

The proper way to find out if something bad is going on is to send the cops or child services. If your wrong, you will look like a complete fool and you must have a very good reason why you have called them.

You don't want to get in between the kids and their mother. She can snoop all she likes but the kids are not stupid....they'll only tell her things they can game into benefits for themselves. ;-)

It is obvious that your HUSBAND is not making it clear to her that their relationship is over. It is HE who needs to step up and act on this, not you.
make one pleasure FMF with her
Well this is a difficult case, because the children are stuck in the middle. Maybe you can sit the kids down and tell them that you would really like it if you had your privacy and that they would tell their mother when she asks questions that they dont want to talk about that. Have you too had a conversation like this is your house your husband and to butt out and leave yall alone with the friendly emails and only discuss important issues that only deal with visitations and holidays which in the custody agreements should be specified anyways. Have a heart to heart with her, just suck it up and deal with it for the 10 or 15 minutes that it takes to make your point clear and while talking to her put her in your shoes. My husband has an exwife and we went throught the battles for the first 3 years but now she has supervised visits. long story and she only calls 2 times a week. And if you know she calls at a certain time in the afternoon make it a point for a week or two to be the one to pick up the phone and ask what she wants if it is to talk to the father ask why can t give you a reason a good one then hang up on her, your house your business. maybe shell stop.
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