Monday, August 16, 2010

How to deal with ex wife?

My husband always compares me to his ex wife! And i know how to deal with it. He keeps all the pictures that they have and show it to me. And he always accuse me that Im gonna cheat on him =( but i really dont want to, but he keeps provoking me to do that. How does a 23 years old dress like? coz he keeps telling me to dress like my age? his ex wife is 41 years old and he want me to dress like that? huh!How to deal with ex wife?
Well sister I think it is time you had a little heart to heart with your hubby.

You should not have to put up with seeing old pictures of him and his EX. As for dressing like a 23 year old show him all the clothes catalogs you get most of those models are in their 20's. It sounds like his Ex cheated on him and no matter what you say or do he will still believe you will too. Have enough respect for yourself never to cheat, you would only end up hurting yourself. You might want to go into counseling. I know you will never get him to go , but you should go for yourself. It will help you be strong and true to yourself. You are a strong person and you deserve a life of happiness. If you were not strong you would have never posted this question. Believe in yourself . He will not ever change , most men who have been hurt end up just plain hurt, lonely, depressed, and mean. He does not understand there are more ways to hurt a loved one other than with his hands, with his words, his actions and with his heart.

It is up to you to decided what you want to do with your life. You are young and full of life, really think it over. Your destiny is yours and yours alone. I would seek some professional help they are much better at guiding you in a straight line. You have to make your own choices, but be sure they are for you and not him or other family members. I do not normally tell people about church but it is a great place to start . Open your heart and give Jesus all your troubles and he will guide you.

Good LuckHow to deal with ex wife?
Leave his a**! He's a total dick! You don't deserve to be treated that way. And how dare he compare you to his ex! If he still wants to be married to her then pack his sh*t, put it on the lawn and change the locks so he can go be with her!
Leave quickly and don't look back. Your man's got a complex, is still in love with his ex-wife, and is controlling!
Honestly it sounds as though his ex cheated and he really thinks that you are going to do the same.

Reassure him that you are his and his alone. You also do not ';share your toys'; so he is yours and yours alone.

Let him know how much his comments hurt you and that you would prefer not to be compared to his ex wife.

Men and women need to remember that we can not read each others minds so when something bothers you it needs to be communicated very clearly and ask afterward if he really understands what you are trying to say.
Did he treat you that way when you dated.

There must be one HUGE age difference between the two of you.
Oh man, sounds to me like isn't over his ex-wife...
I would ask myself why does my husband compare me to his ex wife? Then I would ask him that question. Sounds like he has baggage he has not dealt with that he brought into your marriage. You have to be yourself and hopefully that will be enough for your husband.
Leave him!
Tell him to straighten up or you will be his ex also.
tell him he either loves you for you or he is still in love with the ex and than maybe conisder counseling
Don't become his second ex-wife. You need to move on now as there is someone else out there that will treat you like you deserve to be treated.
You should have nothing to deal with. This man is a monster the next time he lays a hand on you no matter where you are you should call the police. There is a reason he has an x wife. He treated her bad and now treating you even worse. Get out before it's too late.
Are you sure you want to bewith this person ???
It sound like your husband haven't got over his ex-wife.
Sounds like there are some real issues here, and they all deal with him. The problem is not you. He shouldn't be doing those things. Try to explain how you feel and how those feelings are a result of what he does. He needs some professional counseling. His actions are going to cause the marriage to turn into a divorce and he will have no one to blame because he choked the life out of it.
just tune it out , find things that interest you, to keep your mine occupied. I know it hard with the accusing , that either means he's jealous or he wont's his ex back. if so let him rock on, rock on. there's other fish in the sea.
I don't have a specific answer but I can tell you his behavior is not right. If he continually brings up the subject of cheating, my first reaction would be to suspect him of infidelity. If I were you, I'd start stashing away a ';private'; fund for emergencies and start working on an escape plan.......
Sounds like there must be a huge age difference between y'all. Like I keep saying, age differences are a problem because sooner or later, y'all won't be able to relate to one another.
Leave. Period. Just leave, sounds like a real loser.
he still has issues. I would never do that myself to my girlfriend
just give him some great head like you never gave head b4 and things will be alot better

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